Sunday, December 7, 2014

Roasted aubergine and tomato soup

We have another super easy soup recipe for you, this time using a bargain aubergine (eggplant for our American friends) unusually made in the oven, this recipe is based on a Hugh Fernley Whittingstall recipe.  Its frugal and very very tasty and the soup has a lovely comforting flavour, great for a cold winters day.

What you need
  • 1 aubergine (chopped into chunky pieces)
  • Olive oil or rapeseed oil
  • 1 heaped tsp vegetable stock powder ( I use Essential Cuisine)
  • 1 tin of chopped tomatoes
  • Couple of cloves of garlic, peeled and finely chopped
  • Water
  • Salt and pepper
  • Fresh thyme or basil leaves to garnish
What you do
  • Preheat your oven to 180c
  • Place the chopped pieces of aubergine in a roasting dish and toss with a little oil
  • Roast for 20 minutes or so until the aubergine is soft and starting to colour a little
  • Add the contents of the tin of tomatoes to the dish, plus the garlic and thyme to the dish
  • Also add 1 tin of warm water and your vegetable stock cube / powder to the roasting pan
  • Return the roasting pan to the oven for another 20 minutes
  • Remove from the oven and allow to cool slightly, then blitz with a hand blender or in a liquidiser or food processor until you achieve your desired consistency
  • Place the soup in a saucepan and warm gently until piping hot, taste for seasoning.
This dish would also make a perfect starter to any festive celebrations as its a no worry, no hassle and could be made a head and stored in the fridge. Vegan, gluten free and very healthy its a great contrast to the rich festive fare, but its equally suited to make at any time of year.

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