Saturday, July 13, 2013

Orange blossom honey, spelt and poppyseed cake - almost healthy !

I love baking (if you are a regular reader this is nothing new  to you !) but how to make cakes more healthy ?

From time to time I experience a guilt trip and remind myself that where ever possible I should be making my baking more healthy, food fads come and go, eat that don't eat this, so that sometimes its difficult to determine as to whether the changes and tweaks you are making to your baking are making it any healthier, but the one thing I do know is that I like to try different things. So this cake was born, using a natural sweetener, spelt flour and poppyseeds.

A month or so ago I was sent some honey for review so I currently have a nice selection in my store cupboard, so I chose to bake with the orange blossom honey on this occasion, so here's what I came up with.

What you need

  • 50g poppyseeds ( you can buy in most healthfood shops or collect your own)
  • 180g orange blossom honey ( you could use agave nectar or maple syrup also)
  • Grated zest of one large orange
  • 1 tsp baking powder
  • 3 eggs free range please
  • 180g spelt flour (sieved to remove the majority of the meal)
  • 180g butter - softened
What you do 
  • Preheat your oven to 170c
  • Oil spray and base line a 20cm loose bottom or springform tin
  • In a large bowl or your mixer, cream the butter until fluffy, now add a little of the flour and beat in eggs one at a time
  • Beat in all the flour, baking powder, honey, orange zest and poppy seeds
  • Scoop into your tin, levelling and bake for approximately 35 - 45 minutes until tested cooked with a skewer.
  • Cool in the tin for approximately before transferring to a wire rack to cool fully.
  • If you wish you could make an orange drizzle syrup or frost with a cream cheese butter cream.

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