Saturday, July 27, 2013

Double Strawberry Flapjacks

My hubby has recently joined a weekly walking club so its essential we always have a homemade cake or sweet treat ready for his lunch box. Flapjacks are practical for lunchbox duty as the tend to be robust enough not to disintegrate whilst being carried around in your work bag or rucksack.

This double strawberry version came about as I pimped my usual recipe with a packet of dried strawberries I had found in the store cupboard along with some strawberry flavoured chocolate drops.

What you need 
  • Standard flapjack recipe here
  • Dried strawberries - chopped into small pieces
  • Melted strawberry flavoured chocolate drops
What you do
  • Follow standard flapjack recipe but added chopped dried strawberry pieces
  • Once baked and cooled, drizzle with melted chocolate
  • Double strawberry flapjacks ! 
The stunning photography is by the talented Mr Lancashire Food.

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