Saturday, January 12, 2013

Pikelets - a traditional tea time treat

Pikelets are the easier to make sibling of the crumpet family, that great afternoon teatime treat or in our household breakfast treat too. For many years I have fancied giving making crumpets or pikelets a try and not got around to it but finally I have had a go and was pleasantly surprised by how very easy they are to make, so much so that I will be having another griddle baking session very soon. Yeast raised but griddled baked these little fluffy holey delights turned out great and are best devoured toasted and slathered (good word that !) with butter and home made jam or better still apple butter.

If like us you have either an open fire or log burner, pikelets are great toasted on a cold wet wintery afternoon for a carpet picnic. You will need a toasting fork, but its way more fun than an electric toaster !

  • 500g strong white bread flour
  • 350ml warm milk
  • 350ml warm water
  • 5g dried yeast
  • 10g salt
  • 1 tsp baking powder
  • Vegetable oil for frying - a little
You will also need a heavy based frying pan or flat griddle hotplate to cook your pikelets in or on.

This makes about 16 pikelets

  • Mix all your ingredients except the oil in a large bowl, whisking together until your batter is the consistency of a thick pancake batter
  • Cover the bowl with cling film and leave to ferment in a warm place until the mixture is all bubbly. This will take at least an hour and may be as much as 3 hours. Don't rush this step as time is what creates the flavour in the dough.
  • You are now ready to cook your pikelets
  • Preheat your pan / griddle , oil and then wipe (I use kitchen roll) so there is just a trace of oil remaining.
  • Ladle large spoonfuls of the mixture into the pan, whatever size you wish to make your pikelets
  • Cook on one side without moving until the top side is covered with lots of air bubbles that have popped, this takes a couple of minutes.
  • Flip your pikelets over and briefly cook on the other side
  • You are aiming for lightly golden on both sides, as bear in mind that you will be toasting to serve.
  • Delicious toasted served with butter and preserves
  • They freeze really well also.

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