Sunday, January 6, 2013

Mushroom, onion and thyme focaccia

Another baking adventure from Mr Lancashire Food, this time a twist on the Italian delight - focaccia. We love mushrooms in our household and decided that we would experiment by adding cooked mushrooms and onions to a traditional focaccia mix.

The resultant focaccia was absolutely delicious, it was fortuitous that we made two slabs of this crusty delight, as the first one disappeared within minutes. We used large open capped mushrooms but you could use button or if feeling especially decadent wild mushrooms instead, if you are using dried mushrooms you will need to reconstitute them first before cooking.

As with all bread baking the secret is time, allowing your dough to rise fully and prove, this time creates the  flavour in the dough.


  • 500g strong white bread flour
  • 1 1/2 tsp sea salt
  • 7g dried yeast
  • 70ml olive oil
  • Warm water to mix - hard to be precise as this all depends on your flour
  • Roughly 100g of mushrooms ( whatever type) - chopped finely
  • 1 large white onion - chopped into fine half rings
  • Thyme ( fresh or dried)
  • Salt and olive oil for sprinkling 
  • Little oil or butter to cook your mushrooms and onions in
Baking tray or shallow baking pan 

  • Firstly cook the onions and mushrooms in a little oil or butter until softened but with hardly any colour, allow to cool, stir in your thyme.
  • Now mix the flour, sea salt, yeast and liquids to a  make a soft sticky dough, add the water last and mix by hand so you can judge the consistency of the dough
  • Once combined knead well on lightly floured surface, until the dough is pliable and stretchy
  • Place in a bowl and allow to rest  in a warm place for at least an hour or so until your dough has doubled in size
  • Add the Mushroom, onion and thyme mixture to the dough pressing in with your hands
  • Now place your dough on your baking sheet / pan and shape by pressing out with your fingers to cover the tin to the edges, allow to prove for approx 30 minutes covered with a tea towel
  • Now using your fingers prick all over the surface of your focaccia to make dimples, sprinkle with olive oil and sea salt crystals, leave to prove again for another hour or so
  • Bake in a preheated oven at 200c for approximately 25 -35 minutes until golden brown
Delicious served with Italian salami, cold meats, olives or oil and vinegar.

I am entering this post in "Herbs on Saturday" blog  challenge for January 2013 challenge from Lavender and Lovage and this  month hosted by Bangers and Mash.


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