Sunday, November 11, 2012

Vintage Tea Party Year

The Vintage Tea Party Year

Don't you just love a book that along side recipes has craft and hair styling tips, what ! you never had one that has both ? well you never read one of Angel Adoree's seminal works. I just love this book , as soon as you seen the front cover you know you are handling something special, reminiscent of a fairy story book of your childhood, its enchanting.

This is Angel Adoree's second work and is just wonderful, vintage style and with great ideas on how to make seasonal and family celebrations special. The Vintage Tea Party year covers
  • New Years Eve Tea Party
  • Children Tea Party
  • Coming of Age Tea Party
  • Tea for Two
  • Hen Tea Party
  • Wedding Tea Party
  • Mum To be Tea party
  • Gentleman's Tea party
  • Street Tea Party
  • Picnic Tea Party
  • Guy Fawkes Tea Party
  • Christmas Tea Party
Each section has recipes, invites, thank you notes, decoration tips and funky craft ideas to get the party started. As well as penning cookery book , Angel runs a successful vintage event hosting company, this book is so much more than cook book and would make a great gift for a girl friend who loves all things vintage.

I received my copy of this book from Octopus Publishing free of charge, you can purchase a copy direct from them or alternatively Amazon or any independent bookseller.

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