Sunday, August 10, 2014

French bean, tomato and cumin salad

I love using fresh seasonal produce in recipes and its even better if that produce is freshly picked from the garden. As per usual I am fighting a loosing battle with the courgette plants in the garden and it was whilst picking the a fore mentioned vegetable, I spotted that my lovely golden french bean plants were starting to crop. I find French beans are always better eaten young and the golden variety we are are growing this year is pleasantly waxy.

This is a great dish to serve along side a grilled steak or chicken fillet or just on its own with other salads and has a pleasant aromatic spiciness which is lovely warm or cold, it also usefully uses a few small tomatoes too homegrown if you have those too. It would be a great take along dish for a bbq or party, much more exciting than the standard coleslaw.

What you need
  • French beans - topped and tailed (not too large pods)
  • Butter - a good sized knob
  • Tomato - 1 large or couple of small - chopped 
  • Clove of garlic - crushed
  • Freshly ground cumin - 1 tsp ish
  • Salt - pinch
  • Pepper - to taste
  • Fresh coriander leaves
What you do
  • Simmer the prepared beans in a little salted water until tender, but still with a little body.
  • Drain the beans and place in a small frying pan and cook with the butter, garlic, chopped tomato and cumin.
  • Cook for a few minutes until the tomato pieces are softened, remove from heat, season to taste.
  • Serve strewn with fresh corainder leaves
I'm joining in the foodie fun this month over on Tinned Tomatoes for No Croutons required.


We are also linking up to Eat your Greens over at Allotment 2 kitchen

And finally we are linking up to The Spice Trail who's theme this month is Beach BBQ, hosted over on Bangers and Mash.                                                          
spice trail badge square

                              beach barbecue

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