Monday, June 30, 2014

Celia Gaze of The Wellbeing Farm

Our featured foodie this month is the lovely Celia Gaze of The Wellbeing Farm at Edgeworth, Bolton. Celia is the Managing Director and co creator of Lancashire's answer to River Cottage. The multi award winning educational and creative venue has risen phoenix like from a once derelict farmstead situated high in the Lancashire hills.

The food served at The Wellbeing Farm is all local, seasonal and sustainable and the venue also hosts food and cookery events ranging from sausage making, bread making, foraging and even how to butcher a lamb.

Here is an earlier post of our visit

Celia kindly answered our questions so we can find out more about the women being this amazing venue which is well worth a visit.

  •  What is your favourite cookery or food book or publication?

I must admit being partial to the River Cottage series – considering I’ve tried to copy some of their setup when I created The Wellbeing Farm.

  •  What sentence sums up Lancashire Food to you ?

Quality food where provenance shines like a beacon.

  • If you weren’t doing what you do now, what would you like to be?
Considering I gave up a great career to do this, I'm now following my dream!

  • Which piece of kit could you not do without?
Pampered Chef pizza cutter – can be used for chopping anything.

  • Who would join you at your ultimate dinner party and why?
An eclectic mix of friends, family and the odd celeb thrown in. When you are setting up a new business it does test your friendships and family commitment – you know who your true friends are by how much support they provide when you’ve ignored them for months!

  • What advice would you give to your younger self ?
Follow your dreams – you only have one life.

  •  Describe your style in three words
Overly enthusiastic, persistent and a bit loud!.

  • What was your latest foodie gadget purchase ?
An all singing and dancing Kenwood food processor.

  • What is your greatest achievement to date ?
Transforming a run-down neglected farm into an award-winning business in less than a year and winning the North West Start Up of the Year Award with the Countryside Alliance in the process.

  • What is the worst mistake you have made ?
In setting up a business you make loads of mistakes, it’s how you learn from them that matters.

  • Tell us a secret about yourself ? may be something we wouldn’t expect !

I’m actually a qualified chef but don’t practice actual cooking anymore unfortunately. I was also the first Management Trainee at The Garrick Gentleman’s Club in London.

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