Saturday, October 20, 2012

Leek, Potato and thyme Soup

This is my standby soup recipe, deliciously warming and comforting and a great anecdote to when you need the equivalent of a hug in a bowl. Outside its been bashing down with rain and even when it stops raining its raining leaves as autumn is well and truly well under way. Leeks are fairly easy to grow in the garden and even if your yield is disappointing you normally can rescue enough leeks for soup.

  • 3 large potatoes - peeled and chopped in to chunky cubes
  • 3 leeks, cleaned and chopped into rings
  • Vegetable stock about 500ml
  • Thyme - dried or fresh
  • Salt and Pepper
  • Butter
  • Melt the butter in a large saucepan
  • Add the leeks and chopped potato and cook gently until slightly softened
  • Add the thyme and enough vegetable stock to cover
  • Bring to a gentle simmer, cover and cook until the vegetables are tender
  • Now liquidise half the soup ( I use a stick blender), by doing it this way you still retain texture
  • Add more water / stock if too thick and bring back to a simmer
  • Taste and season
  • Delicious served with homemade bread
I am entering this into the Simple and Seasonal challenge hosted this month by franglaiskitchen for Fabulicious Food

And also in Herbs on Saturday October hosted over at Lavender and Lovage 

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