Tuesday, July 17, 2012

Green Garden Soup

Well the weather is still not playing ball, its wet, its cool then its sunny, very confusing for the plants in the vegetable garden and very confusing for the cook too, what do you make when its supposed to be summer but some evenings you almost feel like putting the heating back on !

Soup is the answer in this household but not the rib sticking type of winter, something all together lighter using seasonal ingredients of course ideally from the garden and so this soup was born.

A quick rummage in the vegetable garden yielded rocket, peas, broad beans, baby courgettes and lovage, this was supplemented by store cupboard additions of potato, garlic and onion, the resulting soup was delicious, sweet and very moreish.

  • Peas (you could use frozen)
  • Broad beans
  • Baby courgettes - chopped finely
  • Rocket - handful no more
  • Lovage leaves - couple
  • White onion, finely chopped
  • Potato- peeled and diced in to small pieces
  • Vegetable stock
  • Butter 
  • Melt butter in a large saucepan
  • Add all your vegetable and sweat for a few minutes without browning
  • Add vegetable stock until all your vegetables are covered
  • Simmer until the vegetables are tender
  • Allow to cool slighty, then blend to desired consistency, thinner with more stock or water if needed
  • Taste to see if needs seasoning, bring back to gentle simmer, do not boil as it spoils the sweet flavour
  • Serve accompanied by great bread
I am entering this post in simple and in season blog challenge on Fabulicious Food, this month guest hosted by homemadebyfleur 

This is also an entry for No croutons Required, July challenge for summer soups and salads, a vegetarian challange co hosted by Tinned Tomatoes and Lisa's Kitchen

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