Sunday, October 16, 2011


A few weeks ago my weekend bake was chocolate beetroot brownies, so to ring the changes its blondies, these offer  the same dense squidgy experience but with white chocolate and comforting vanilla hit. The recipe is almost identical to normal brownies, in this case I added a handful of dark chocolate chips, you could use nuts, they do have a tendency to sink through the mixture but who cares it chocolate. You are aiming for a more buttery caramac ( for those old enough to remember) flavour rather than an intense chocolate hit.

  • 125g butter
  • 200g white chocolate
  • 4 eggs 
  • 1tsp salt ( if using unsalted butter, otherwise adjust)
  • 350g caster sugar
  • 2 tsp vanilla extract
  • 300g plain flour
Brownie tin- 25by20 by 5cm ish tin - buttered


Preheat your oven to 170c. Melt the butter and chocolate using either the microwave, a bain marie or the warming oven. Mix the eggs, salt, vanilla and sugar and whisk until fluffy, Then add the chocolate, butter mixture once cooled slighty, mix and finally fold the flour (and choc chips, nuts if using), pour into your prepared tin and bake for approx 30 minutes, until golden, well risen but still a bit squidgy in the middle. Allow to cool initially in the tin and then cut into small chunks and allow to cool fully on a wire rack.


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