Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Easy Peasy Yoghurt Cake

Thought I would quickly share with you one of my all time favorite recipes, its so easy , it doesn't even involve weighing scales. All the measurements are based on the yoghurt pot that your yoghurt has come from. If you have bought your yoghurt in a large pot just use a tea cup / american cup or similar. It scales perfectly. You just might need more baking tins !

  • Carton of yoghurt, plain , can be 0% fat if you want
  • 1 1/2 cartons of sugar (caster preferably)
  • 1 carton vegetable oil (sunflower I use)
  • 3 cartons self raising flour
  • 2 eggs free range of course
  • Vanilla extract / paste - a drop
Mix all ingredients together until smooth and put in a greased and lined 2lb loaf tin, bake @ 350F, 180 c, Gas mark 4 for approx 1 hour until firm and cooked through, test with a cocktail stick. Leave to cool in tin for 10 minutes and then carefully turnout onto a cooling rack. Best kept for a couple of days wrapped in foil. Freezes beautifully.

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